Modernize Your Recruitment

Is your background check process outdated? Upgrade to a fast, smooth, and secure screening experience with AI-powered shortlisting.

Looking for a job?

Looking for a job?

We use AI to match you with
jobs near you that match your

Are you employing?

Are you employing?

Get AI-matched to vetted and
verified candidates with clean
backgrounds and credentials

How Cazini works

Job Seekers

Automated job applications using A.I

  • ✔️

    Create account

    You create your account using your personal details that are verifiable.

  • ✔️

    Fill your experience and credentials

    You fill your most recent experiences and upload your credentials for verification.

  • ✔️

    AI Assistant automatically applies jobs for you

    Our AI assistant matches you with the most suitable job based on your skills and experiences.

  • ✔️

    Get Job

    Our AI assistant gets you the most suitable job according to your skills and expertise.

Why Choose Cazini

Fast & Secure Background Checks

Are your background checks stuck in the past? Upgrade to a fast, smooth, safe screening experience.

A.I. Powered Instant Job-Matching

Our cutting-edge AI analyzes your skills and preferences to match you with perfect jobs, instantly. Say goodbye to endless searching.

Connect with Legally Compliant Employers

We prioritize your safety and peace of mind. Find jobs from reputable, pre-vetted companies you can trust.

Featured Jobs



📍 Nakuru
1 day remaining
Full Time

Office Administrator

📍 Mombasa
1 day remaining
Full Time

Software Engineer

📍 Nairobi
5 days remaining
Full Time